Immerse yourself in the tropical delight of Guava, locally known as Peyara, available per kg. Bursting with juicy sweetness and a unique flavor profile, these tropical gems offer a delightful fruit experience that's both refreshing and naturally wholesome.
Sourced with care, Guava captivates your taste buds with its signature sweetness and distinctive aroma. Each bite is a juicy treat packed with vitamins, fiber, and antioxidants, making it a wholesome choice for your well-being.
Enjoy the versatility of Guava in various culinary creations. Whether enjoyed on its own, turned into juices, or incorporated into salads and desserts, Guava adds a burst of tropical flair to every dish.
Prioritize your health-conscious choices with Guava (Peyara). Elevate your fruit enjoyment with these naturally delightful tropical fruits that bring you the essence of the tropics, making every bite a juicy and flavorful moment to savor.
desi peyara chilo😊😊dhonnobad
desi peyara chilo na etai dukkho ., jai khete khrp lagenai❤😊