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When shopping online, we often put ourselves in the hands of technology - but does that mean customer safety is an illusion? Here let's share which is the safest website for safe transactions or shopping. Online shopping for items such as clothes or phones can sometimes involve compulsive
E-Commerce is the fastest growing industry in history, and as a result, people are earning six-figure salaries without ever stepping foot in an office. This guide lays out how anyone, from anywhere, can apply their skills to this new and lucrative field. E-Commerce is massive, soon-to-be trillion-dollar industry. The ability to produce goods without the need for
চীনের স্মার্টফোন নির্মাতা কোম্পানি BBK Electronics এর একটি মোবাইল ব্রান্ড Realme. ২০১৮ সালের মে মাসে “Sky Li” এটি প্রতিষ্ঠা করেন। এর সদর দপ্তর চীনের বেইজিং এ। স্মার্টফোন ছাড়াও Realme বিভিন্ন পণ্য উৎপাদন করে যেমনঃ টিভি, ইয়ারফোন, ওয়্যারলেস ইয়ারফোন, টি-শার্ট, ব্যাগ, ফিটনেস ব্যান্ড ও স্মার্টওয়াচ। Realme ব্রান্ডের প্রথম ফোনটি ২০১৮ সালের ২১ সেপ্টেম্বর,
E-commerce or ‘electronic commerce has been around for decades but it is only in recent years that there has been a major shift in the way companies conduct business. Nowadays almost all major companies feature an online store on their website where customers can purchase physical goods or digital downloads from the comfort of their homes.
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Bangladesh has been a largely unknown developing country for many decades. But with education, the economy, and entrepreneurship growing at unprecedented rates, the country is quickly transitioning into one of the most promising in South Asia. E-commerce may have only recently arrived in Bangladesh but it has already managed to make its